Friday, August 14, 2015

Summer 2015!
Dear Students,
     I hope all of you have had a wonderful summer and you are enjoying the last few weeks before the real fun starts at ACDS!
I have received some letters and jokes-see below.
Great Jokes
Peyton T.
1. What is ice cream's favorite day of the week?
Sundae! (Sunday)
2. Why did the window glass cry?
Because it was in pain! (pane)
Lucas J.
1.Why do seagulls fly over the ocean?
Because if they flew over the bay, they would be called baygulls!
Thank you for your jokes!
Miss Kim's address has recently changed.  It is now the following;
Kimberly Bakker
P.O. Box 614
Woody Creek, CO 81656
My mail to my previous address in Aspen will however be forwarded for the next 4 months.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Dear new students,

I regret that I did not get the chance to meet you in 3rd Grade Grammar Class.  We had a fun year of learning, games, grammar challenges and beautiful cursive writing activities.

Though you do not have the grammar workbook mentioned in the previous post, I would love to have a letter from you!

Please write to me using your best handwriting (cursive or print) and let me know the following;

1. Your hopes for 4th grade, what you would like to learn, etc...

2.  Any questions about ACDS.

3.  Your favorite summer activities, books, trips, grammar jokes and adventures.

I will write you back!

Thank you, Ms. Kim 3rd Grade Grammar

Please send your letter to:

Ms. Kimberly Bakker
Post office Box 7712
Aspen, CO 81612

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Dear 3rd graders (who will soon be 4th graders),
      Below are the answer keys for your grammar books.  If you complete you book over the summer, please return it to Ms. Kim in September.  Completing your grammar book will enhance your grammar ability and prepare you for 4th grade!  I am so proud of all that you have achieved in grammar and I hope you have a wonderful summer!
If you would like to send me a letter using your best cursive, about your summer experiences and fun, I will write you back-you might get a little surprise also!
Please send letters to
Ms. Kimberly Bakker
Post Office Box 614
Woody Creek, CO 81656
Sincerely, Ms. Kim




Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Grammar Fun for Spring Break!

     Dear students and parents,

        I have attached a few grammar exercises and activities to keep your mind sharp and avoid any possible boredom in the long days ahead.  These activities are not required, but some extra credit will be given to students who complete any of the suggestions below. 

1.  Write a letter to the editor of a travel magazine about the place you are visiting (Aspen is fine also).  Include: Your name, the name of the magazine (you can make it up), use letter format (start with Dear...., and end with Sincerely,...........), 3 spots to visit, 3 places to eat, and how to get to your destination (boat, plane, train, etc..).  Use exciting adjectives, correct spelling, concise punctuation, proper and common nouns, exclamatory sentences and any other wonderful grammar constructs that will help you to write a beautiful letter.
1-2 pages maximum.

2.  Find or make up 5 (appropriate) grammar jokes and submit them to this site or e-mail Ms. Kim at and I will post them on this site.

3.  Go to  Grammar Gorillas (advanced play) and play these grammar games on three or more days. Make sure to record your score on a piece of paper and turn it into Ms. Kim upon your return.

4.  Make a worksheet!  Create a worksheet for the class using  two of the following (nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, and proper nouns).  Make sure to also include an answer sheet!

Thank you, Ms. Kim

Enjoy this joke!

Grammar Joke (a play on words)

What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down?
It gets toad away.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Great Grammar Jokes! 

A teacher asked this question on a test;

Use the word "hyphenated" in a sentence.
There used to be a space between these two words, but there isn't any more because the hyphen ate it.

Holiday Humor

What does a grammarian call Santa's helpers?Subordinate Clauses.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Useful Grammar Tip!

Quotations are like a big bowl, they hold exactly what a person says in them.

"I love hot cocoa and fresh snow,"  said Bob.

The girl in line at the ski lift said, "I can't wait to ski the fresh powder at the top of the mountain."

"I was born in Ohio," said Fred. "Where were you born?"

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ms. Kim teaches grammar on Mondays and Tuesdays in Katie's Third Grade and Mondays and Wednesdays in Mary Frances' Third Grade.

Each week we include, handwriting, grammar rules/usage and interesting writing assignments that highlight a grammar rule or construct studied and practiced in class.
Welcome to the Third Grade Grammar Spot!